Multi-level Latent Class Analysis with {MplusAutomation}

~ ~ ~

A tutorial replicating the models presented in Henry & Muthén (2010)

• LCA with nested data • 2-level models •

Adam Garber



  • The example used in this tutorial, data about teacher discipline, is different from the example presented in Henry & Muthén (2010). This data is not currently publicly available.
  • All models are estimated in Mplus via the R package MplusAutomation.


SOURCE CITATION: Henry, K. L., & Muthén, B. (2010). Multilevel latent class analysis: An application of adolescent smoking typologies with individual and contextual predictors. Structural Equation Modeling, 17(2), 193-215.

Hallquist, M. N., & Wiley, J. F. (2018). MplusAutomation: An R Package for Facilitating Large-Scale Latent Variable Analyses in Mplus. Structural equation modeling: a multidisciplinary journal, 25(4), 621-638.

Muthén, L.K. and Muthén, B.O. (1998-2017). Mplus User’s Guide. Eighth Edition. Los Angeles, CA: Muthén & Muthén

Prepare & explore data

loading packages…


read spss >> write csv >> read csv

data_spss <- read_spss(here("data", "teacher_discip_strat_data.sav")) %>% 

# write a CSV datafile (to remove labels)
write_csv(data_spss, here("data", "teach_discip_data.csv"))

read the unlabeled data back into R

mlca_data <- read_csv(here("data", "teach_discip_data.csv"), na = c("9999"))

view labeled data (create a codebook)


prepare data for MplusAutomation

mlca_mplus <- mlca_data %>% 
  select(-id, -districtname, -schoolname) # remove columns with strings

shorten names to be < 8 characters

names(mlca_mplus) <-  str_remove(names(mlca_mplus), pattern = "itive")

mlca_mplus <- mlca_mplus %>% 
  rename(pop =  population,  # Bullying is a big problem in this school
         distcode = districtcode,
         schlcode = schoolcode,
         postcode = positioncode)

View descriptive statistics for LCA measurement indicators

lca_summary <- mlca_mplus %>% 

stargazer(, header = FALSE, digits=1)

Make table grouped by school (schlcode)

# how many school clusters are there?
# length(unique(mlca_mplus$schlcode)) # 130 schools

school_summary <- mlca_mplus %>% 
  group_by(schlcode) %>% 
      mean_lvl = mean(level, na.rm = TRUE),
    mean_pun_1 = mean(pun_1, na.rm = TRUE),
    mean_pos_1 = mean(pos_1, na.rm = TRUE),
    mean_sel_1 = mean(sel_1, na.rm = TRUE),
    sample_n = n())

school_summary[1:10,] %>% 
schlcode mean_lvl mean_pun_1 mean_pos_1 mean_sel_1 sample_n
10 1 1.704545 3.545455 3.477273 44
11 1 1.482759 3.482759 3.413793 29
14 1 1.451613 3.483871 3.548387 31
16 2 1.794872 3.102564 3.000000 39
17 2 1.797101 3.260870 3.043478 69
18 3 1.871795 2.948718 2.833333 78
20 1 1.435897 3.615385 3.615385 39
21 1 1.659574 3.617021 3.319149 47
23 2 1.838710 3.096774 3.032258 31
24 3 1.825000 2.825000 2.375000 40

Note: In order to reduce estimation time for this example 7 indicators were chosen and dichotomized. For the same reason the 4-class solution was used in all MLCA models for purposes of demonstration.

Recode data

7 indicators used in LCA demonstration

  1. pos_1 = Students are praised often.
  2. pos_3 = Teachers often let students know when they are being good.
  3. pos_2 = Students are often given rewards for being good.
  4. pos_4 = Classes get rewards for good 1 behavior.
  5. sel_5 = Students are taught they should care about how others feel.
  6. sel_2 = Students are taught to understand how others think and feel.
  7. sel_1 = Students are taught to feel responsible for how they act.

convert indicators to be dichotomous

mlca_mplus <- mlca_mplus %>% 
    pos_1b = case_when(
    pos_1 <  3 ~ 0,        # disagree ~ responses 1 & 2
    pos_1 >= 3 ~ 1)) %>%   # agree ~ responses 3 & 4
    pos_3b = case_when(
    pos_3 <  3 ~ 0,      
    pos_3 >= 3 ~ 1)) %>%   
    pos_2b = case_when(
    pos_2 <  3 ~ 0,      
    pos_2 >= 3 ~ 1)) %>%   
    pos_4b = case_when(
    pos_4 <  3 ~ 0,      
    pos_4 >= 3 ~ 1)) %>% 
    sel_5b = case_when(
    sel_5 <  3 ~ 0,      
    sel_5 >= 3 ~ 1)) %>% 
    sel_2b = case_when(
    sel_2 <  3 ~ 0,     
    sel_2 >= 3 ~ 1)) %>%
    sel_1b = case_when(
    sel_1 <  3 ~ 0,
    sel_1 >= 3 ~ 1)) 

##    1    2    3    4 
##   81  659 3190 1157
##    0    1 
##  740 4347

model 00: LCA enumeration (fixed effect model)

lca_k1_6  <- lapply(1:6, function(k) {
  lca_enum  <- mplusObject(
    TITLE = glue("C{k}_mlca_enum_demo"), 
    "categorical = pos_1b-sel_1b; 
     usevar = pos_1b-sel_1b;
     classes = c({k});"),
   "estimator = mlr; 
    type = mixture; 
    starts = 500 100;",
  MODEL = "",
  OUTPUT = "",
  PLOT = 
    "type = plot3; 
    series = pos_1b-sel_1b(*);",
  usevariables = colnames(mlca_mplus),
  rdata = mlca_mplus)

lca_enum_fit <- mplusModeler(lca_enum, 
                            dataout=glue(here("enum_mplus", "c_{k}_mlca_enum.dat")),
                            modelout=glue(here("enum_mplus", "c_{k}_mlca_enum.inp")) ,
                            check=TRUE, run = TRUE, hashfilename = FALSE)

Read models & plot LCA (\(K=4\))

output_enum <- readModels(here("enum_mplus"), quiet = TRUE)

enum_summary <- LatexSummaryTable(output_enum, 
                                   sortBy = "Title")

enum_summary %>% 
C1_mlca_enum_demo -13867.62 27794.98 27772.73
C2_mlca_enum_demo -11348.33 22824.67 22777.01
C3_mlca_enum_demo -10971.08 22138.45 22065.36
C4_mlca_enum_demo -10671.22 21607.00 21508.50
C5_mlca_enum_demo -10628.89 21590.62 21466.69
C6_mlca_enum_demo -10600.19 21601.50 21452.15

plot 4-class LCA probability plot

# extract posterior probabilities 
pp1 <-[["c_4_mlca_enum.out"]]
                                [seq(2, 14, 2),]) #seq("from","to","by")

# extract model estimated class sizes
c_size <-[["c_4_mlca_enum.out"]]

colnames(c_size) <- paste0("cs")
c_size <- c_size %>% mutate(cs = round(cs*100, 1))

colnames(pp1) <- paste0("C", 1:4, glue(" ({c_size[1:4,]}%)"))
pp1 <- cbind(Var = paste0("U", 1:7), pp1)

# choose the order of indicators & label
pp1$Var <- factor(pp1$Var,
                  levels = c("U1","U2","U3","U4","U5", "U6", "U7"),
                  labels = c("Verbal2", "Verbal1", "Reward1", "Reward2", 
                             "Empathy1","Empathy2", "Responsible"))

pd_long <- melt(pp1, id.vars = "Var") 

# plot data
ggplot(pd_long, aes(as.integer(Var), value, shape = variable, 
                    colour = variable, lty = variable)) +
  geom_point(size = 4) + geom_line() + 
  scale_x_continuous("", breaks = 1:7, labels = pp1$Var) + 
  scale_y_continuous("Probability") + 
  scale_colour_grey() + 
  theme_cowplot() +
  theme(text=element_text(family="Times New Roman", size=12),
        legend.key.width = unit(.5, "line"),
        legend.text = element_text(family="Times New Roman", size=12),
        legend.title = element_blank(), 
        legend.position = "top")
ggsave(here("figures","C4_LCA_MLCA.png"), dpi=300, height=5, width=8, units="in")

model00: Compute intra-class correlations (type = basic; w/ analysis = TWOLEVEL;)

# Note: In this example the ICC's are zero because items are dichotomous

  mlca_00  <- mplusObject(
    TITLE = "model00_basic__ICC_mlca", 
    "usevar = pos_1b-sel_1b;
     cluster = schlcode; 
     within = pos_1b-sel_1b;",
   "estimator = mlr; 
    type = basic twolevel; ! ask for ICC curves
    processors = 10;",
  MODEL = "",
  OUTPUT = "sampstat;",
  PLOT = "",
  usevariables = colnames(mlca_mplus),
  rdata = mlca_mplus)

mlca_00_fit <- mplusModeler(mlca_00, 
                            dataout=here("mlca_mplus", "model00_basic.dat"),
                            modelout=here("mlca_mplus", "model00_basic.inp"),
                            check=TRUE, run = TRUE, hashfilename = FALSE)

Compare Multi-level parametric & non-parametric models described in Henry & Muthen (2010)

model01: parametric random effects model (4-class)

Figure 1. Picture adapted from, Henry & Muthen 2010

# warning, run-time is very slow

  mlca_01  <- mplusObject(
    TITLE = "model01_parametric_mlca", 
    "usevar = pos_1b-sel_1b;
     categorical = pos_1b-sel_1b; 
     classes = c(4);
     cluster = schlcode;      ! level 2 units are schools 
     within = pos_1b-sel_1b;",
   "estimator = mlr; 
    type = mixture twolevel;
    starts = 100 50;
    processors = 10;",
  MODEL = 
     C#1 WITH C#2;
     C#3 WITH C#1 C#2; ",
  OUTPUT = "TECH8;",
  PLOT = 
    "type = plot3; 
    series = pos_1b-sel_1b(*);",
  usevariables = colnames(mlca_mplus),
  rdata = mlca_mplus)

mlca_01_fit <- mplusModeler(mlca_01, 
                            dataout=here("mlca_mplus", "model01_parametric.dat"),
                            modelout=here("mlca_mplus", "model01_parametric.inp"),
                            check=TRUE, run = FALSE, hashfilename = FALSE)

model02: parametric model with 2nd level factor

Figure 2. Picture adapted from, Henry & Muthen 2010

  mlca_02  <- mplusObject(
    TITLE = "model02_parametric_mlca", 
    "usevar = pos_1b-sel_1b;
     categorical = pos_1b-sel_1b; 
     classes = c(4);
     cluster = schlcode;      ! level 2 units are schools 
     within = pos_1b-sel_1b;",
   "estimator = mlr; 
    type = mixture twolevel; 
    starts = 20 10;
    processors = 10;",
  MODEL = 
     FC by C#1 C#2 C#3;",
  OUTPUT = "TECH8;",
  PLOT = 
    "type = plot3; 
    series = pos_1b-sel_1b(*);",
  usevariables = colnames(mlca_mplus),
  rdata = mlca_mplus)

mlca_02_fit <- mplusModeler(mlca_02, 
                            dataout=here("mlca_mplus", "model02_parametric.dat"),
                            modelout=here("mlca_mplus", "model02_parametric.inp"),
                            check=TRUE, run = FALSE, hashfilename = FALSE)

model03: non-parametric model

Figure 3. Picture adapted from, Henry & Muthen 2010

  mlca_03  <- mplusObject(
    TITLE = "model03_non_parametric_mlca", 
    "usevar = pos_1b-sel_1b;
     categorical = pos_1b-sel_1b; 
     classes = CB(3) c(4);
     cluster = schlcode;      ! level 2 units are schools 
     within = pos_1b-sel_1b;
     between = CB;",
   "estimator = mlr; 
    type = mixture twolevel; 
    starts = 20 10;
    processors = 10;",
  MODEL = 
     C on CB;
     MODEL C:
     [pos_1b$1-sel_1b$1]; ",
  OUTPUT = "TECH8;",
  PLOT = 
    "type = plot3; 
    series = pos_1b-sel_1b(*);",
  usevariables = colnames(mlca_mplus),
  rdata = mlca_mplus)

mlca_03_fit <- mplusModeler(mlca_03, 
                            dataout=here("mlca_mplus", "model03_non_parametric.dat"),
                            modelout=here("mlca_mplus", "model03_non_parametric.inp"),
                            check=TRUE, run = FALSE, hashfilename = FALSE)

model04: parametric model with 2nd level factor on random latent class indicators

Figure 4. Picture adapted from, Henry & Muthen 2010

  mlca_04  <- mplusObject(
    TITLE = "model04_parametric_mlca", 
    "usevar = pos_1b-sel_1b;
     categorical = pos_1b-sel_1b; 
     classes = c(4);
     cluster = schlcode; ",
   "estimator = mlr; 
    type = mixture twolevel; 
    starts = 20 10;
    processors = 10;",
  MODEL = 
     FU by pos_1b-sel_1b;
     FU WITH C#1 C#2 C#3;
     C#1 WITH C#2;
     C#3 WITH C#1 C#2;

     [pos_1b$1-sel_1b$1]; ",
  OUTPUT = "TECH8;",
  PLOT = 
    "type = plot3; 
    series = pos_1b-sel_1b(*);",
  usevariables = colnames(mlca_mplus),
  rdata = mlca_mplus)

mlca_04_fit <- mplusModeler(mlca_04, 
                            dataout=here("mlca_mplus", "model04_parametric.dat"),
                            modelout=here("mlca_mplus", "model04_parametric.inp"),
                            check=TRUE, run = F, hashfilename = FALSE)

model05: parametric model with 2nd level factor on random latent class intercepts & 2nd level factor on random latent class indicators

Figure 5. Picture adapted from, Henry & Muthen 2010

  mlca_05  <- mplusObject(
    TITLE = "model05_parametric_mlca", 
    "usevar = pos_1b-sel_1b;
     categorical = pos_1b-sel_1b; 
     classes = c(4);
     cluster = schlcode; ",
   "estimator = mlr; 
    type = mixture twolevel; 
    starts = 20 10;
    processors = 10;",
  MODEL = 
     FU by pos_1b-sel_1b;
     FC BY C#1 C#2 C#3;
     FC WITH FU; 

     [pos_1b$1-sel_1b$1]; ",
  OUTPUT = "TECH8;",
  PLOT = 
    "type = plot3; 
    series = pos_1b-sel_1b(*);",
  usevariables = colnames(mlca_mplus),
  rdata = mlca_mplus)

mlca_05_fit <- mplusModeler(mlca_05, 
                            dataout=here("mlca_mplus", "model05_parametric.dat"),
                            modelout=here("mlca_mplus", "model05_parametric.inp"),
                            check=TRUE, run = F, hashfilename = FALSE)

model06: non-parametric model with level-2 factor on latent class indicators

Figure 6. Picture adapted from, Henry & Muthen 2010

  mlca_06  <- mplusObject(
    TITLE = "model06_non_parametric_mlca", 
    "usevar = pos_1b-sel_1b;
     categorical = pos_1b-sel_1b; 
     classes = CB(2) c(4);
     cluster = schlcode;      ! level 2 units are schools 
     between = CB;",
   "estimator = mlr; 
    type = mixture twolevel; 
    starts = 20 10;
    processors = 10;",
  MODEL = 
     FU BY pos_1b-sel_1b;
     C on CB;
     MODEL CB:

     MODEL C:
     [pos_1b$1-sel_1b$1]; ",
  OUTPUT = "TECH8;",
  PLOT = 
    "type = plot3; 
    series = pos_1b-sel_1b(*);",
  usevariables = colnames(mlca_mplus),
  rdata = mlca_mplus)

mlca_06_fit <- mplusModeler(mlca_06, 
                            dataout=here("mlca_mplus", "model06_non_parametric.dat"),
                            modelout=here("mlca_mplus", "model06_non_parametric.inp"),
                            check=TRUE, run = FALSE, hashfilename = FALSE)

model07: parametric model with 2nd level factor on random latent class intercepts & 2nd level factor on random latent class indicators

Auxiliaries: one individual-level covariate & two school-level covariates

Figure 7. Picture adapted from, Henry & Muthen 2010

school-level covariates

# table(mlca_mplus$level)    # 2836 elementary school students
# table(mlca_mplus$d_middle) # 1174 middle school students
# table(mlca_mplus$d_high)   # 1084 high-school students
  mlca_07  <- mplusObject(
    TITLE = "model07_parametric_mlca", 
    "usevar = pos_1b-sel_1b d_middle d_high d_female;
     categorical = pos_1b-sel_1b; 
     classes = c(4);

     cluster = schlcode;
     between = d_middle d_high;
      within = d_female;
   "estimator = mlr;
    algorithm = integration;
    type = mixture twolevel; 
    starts = 20 10;
    processors = 10;",
  MODEL = 
     C#1-C#3 on d_female; 
     FU BY pos_1b@1;
     FU BY pos_3b (F_pos_3b);
     FU BY pos_2b (F_pos_2b);
     FU BY pos_4b (F_pos_4b);
     FU BY sel_5b (F_sel_5b);
     FU BY sel_2b (F_sel_2b);
     FU BY sel_1b (F_sel_1b);

     FC BY C#1 (FC_C1);
     FC BY C#2 (FC_C2);
     FC BY C#3 (FC_C3);
     FU WITH FC;
     C#2 ON d_middle (C2_mid);
     C#2 ON d_high   (C2_hs);

     FC ON d_middle (FC_mid);
     FC ON d_high   (FC_hs);
     FU ON d_middle (FU_mid);
     FU ON d_high   (FU_hs);
     [pos_1b$1-sel_1b$1]; ",
    "NEW(MID_EV MID_pos3 MID_pos2 MID_pos4 MID_sel5 MID_sel2 MID_sel1
     HS_EV HS_pos3 HS_pos2 HS_pos4 HS_sel5 HS_sel2 HS_sel1
     C2_MIDSC C2_HIGHS);
       MID_EV = FU_mid;
     MID_pos3 = FU_mid*F_pos_3b;
     MID_pos2 = FU_mid*F_pos_2b;
     MID_pos4 = FU_mid*F_pos_4b;
     MID_sel5 = FU_mid*F_sel_5b;
     MID_sel2 = FU_mid*F_sel_2b;
     MID_sel1 = FU_mid*F_sel_1b;
       HS_EV = FU_hs;
     HS_pos3 = FU_hs*F_pos_3b;
     HS_pos2 = FU_hs*F_pos_2b;
     HS_pos4 = FU_hs*F_pos_4b;
     HS_sel5 = FU_hs*F_sel_5b;
     HS_sel2 = FU_hs*F_sel_2b;
     HS_sel1 = FU_hs*F_sel_1b;
     C2_MIDSC = (FC_mid*FC_C2)+C2_mid;
     C2_HIGHS = (FC_hs*FC_C2)+C2_hs;",
  OUTPUT = "TECH8;",
  PLOT = 
    "type = plot3; 
    series = pos_1b-sel_1b(*);",
  usevariables = colnames(mlca_mplus),
  rdata = mlca_mplus)

mlca_07_fit <- mplusModeler(mlca_07, 
                            dataout=here("mlca_mplus", "model07_parametric.dat"),
                            modelout=here("mlca_mplus", "model07_parametric.inp"),
                            check=TRUE, run = F, hashfilename = FALSE)

Table of model fit

output_mlca <- readModels(here("mlca_out"), quiet = TRUE)

mlca_summary <- LatexSummaryTable(output_mlca, 
                                   sortBy = "Title")

mlca_summary %>% 
Title Parameters LL BIC aBIC
model01_parametric_mlca 37 -9928.028 20171.83 20054.26
model02_parametric_mlca 34 -10025.484 20341.14 20233.10
model03_non_parametric_mlca 39 -10018.788 20370.42 20246.49
model05_parametric_mlca 42 -9832.084 20022.62 19889.15
model06_non_parametric_mlca 43 -9847.624 20062.23 19925.59
model07_parametric_mlca 51 -9768.308 19971.87 19809.81

create a path diagram of the final model

# Read in the model to R 
final_model <- readModels(here("mlca_out", "model07_par_covs.out"), quiet = TRUE)

# Plot model:
         fixedStyle = c(1))


A work by Adam Garber