DATA SOURCE: This lab exercise utilizes the NCES public-use dataset: Education Longitudinal Study of 2002 (Lauff & Ingels, 2014) \(\color{blue}{\text{See website:}}\)

# load packages

1 Lab 9 - Begin

Read in data

lab_data <- read_csv(here("data", "els_sub5_data.csv"))

Preparations: subset,reorder, rename, and recode data

invar_data <-  lab_data %>% 
  select(bystlang, freelnch, byincome,                    # covariates 
         stolen, t_hurt, p_fight, hit, damaged, bullied,  # factor 1 (indicators)
         safe, disrupt, gangs, rac_fght,                  # factor 2 (indicators)
         late, skipped, mth_read, mth_test, rd_test) %>%  
  rename("unsafe" = "safe") %>% 
    freelnch = case_when(    # Grade 10, percent free lunch - transform to binary
        freelnch <  3 ~ 0,   # school has less than 11% 
        freelnch >= 3 ~ 1))  # school has greater than or equal to 11% 

table(invar_data$freelnch) # reasonably balanced groups

Take a quick look at variable distributions

melt(invar_data[,4:13]) %>% 
  ggplot(., aes(x=value, label=variable)) +
  geom_histogram(bins = 15) +
  facet_wrap(~variable, scales = "free")

Reverse code factor for ease of interpretation

cols = c("unsafe", "disrupt", "gangs", "rac_fght")

invar_data[ ,cols] <-  5 - invar_data[ ,cols]

Factor names and interpretation:

Check correct coding, explore correlations

cor_matrix <- cor(invar_data[4:13], use = "pairwise.complete.obs")

         method = "circle",
         type = "upper")

2 Estimate the Unconditional Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) model

Number of parameters = 31

cfa_m0  <- mplusObject(
  TITLE = "model0 - unconditional CFA model", 
    "usevar = stolen-rac_fght;", 
    "estimator = mlr;",
  MODEL = 
    "VICTIM by stolen* t_hurt p_fight hit damaged bullied;
     VICTIM@1; ! UVI identification
     NEG_CLIM by unsafe* disrupt gangs rac_fght;
     NEG_CLIM@1; ",
  PLOT = "type = plot3;",
  OUTPUT = "sampstat standardized residual modindices (3.84);",
  usevariables = colnames(invar_data), 
  rdata = invar_data)

cfa_m0_fit <- mplusModeler(cfa_m0, 
                            dataout=here("invar_mplus", "lab9_invar_data.dat"),
                            modelout=here("invar_mplus", "M0_CFA_fullsample.inp"),
                            check=TRUE, run = TRUE, hashfilename = FALSE)

3 Run separate CFA models for each sub-sample

3.1 Group freelnch = 0 (low) CFA

cfa_m1  <- mplusObject(
  TITLE = "CFA model1 - group is 0 for freelnch", 
    "usevar = stolen-rac_fght;
     !freelnch (0 = school proportion is less than 11 percent)
     USEOBS = freelnch == 0; ", 
    "estimator = mlr;",
  MODEL = 
    "VICTIM by stolen* t_hurt p_fight hit damaged bullied;
     VICTIM@1; ! UVI identification
     NEG_CLIM by unsafe* disrupt gangs rac_fght;
     NEG_CLIM@1; ",
  PLOT = "type = plot3;",
  OUTPUT = "sampstat standardized residual modindices (3.84);",
  usevariables = colnames(invar_data), 
  rdata = invar_data)

cfa_m1_fit <- mplusModeler(cfa_m1, 
                            dataout=here("invar_mplus", "lab9_invar_data.dat"),
                            modelout=here("invar_mplus", "M1_CFA_freelnch_0.inp"),
                            check=TRUE, run = TRUE, hashfilename = FALSE)

3.2 Group freelnch = 1 (moderate to high) CFA

cfa_m2  <- mplusObject(
  TITLE = "CFA model2 - group is 1 for freelnch", 
    "usevar = stolen-rac_fght;
     !freelnch (1 = school proportion is greater than or equal to 11 percent)
     USEOBS = freelnch == 1; ", 
    "estimator = mlr;",
  MODEL = 
    "VICTIM by stolen* t_hurt p_fight hit damaged bullied;
     VICTIM@1; ! UVI identification
     NEG_CLIM by unsafe* disrupt gangs rac_fght;
     NEG_CLIM@1; ",
  PLOT = "type = plot3;",
  OUTPUT = "sampstat standardized residual modindices (3.84);",
  usevariables = colnames(invar_data), 
  rdata = invar_data)

cfa_m2_fit <- mplusModeler(cfa_m2, 
                            dataout=here("invar_mplus", "lab9_invar_data.dat"),
                            modelout=here("invar_mplus", "M2_CFA_freelnch_1.inp"),
                            check=TRUE, run = TRUE, hashfilename = FALSE)

4 ~~~~~~~~~ Multi-Group Invariance Models ~~~~~~~~~

Figure: Picture depicting mean structure from slide by Dr. Karen Nylund-Gibson

4.1 Configural invariance

  • free item loadings, intercepts, and residuals
  • factor means fixed to zero
  • factor variances fixed to 1

Number of parameters = 62

  • 20 item loadings (10items*2groups)
  • 20 intercepts
  • 20 residual variances
  • 02 factor co-variances (1 for each group)

cfa_m3  <- mplusObject(
  TITLE = "CFA model3 - configural invariance", 
    "usevar = stolen-rac_fght;
     grouping = freelnch (0=freelnch_0 1=freelnch_1); ", 
    "estimator = mlr;",
  MODEL = 
    "VICTIM by stolen* t_hurt p_fight hit damaged bullied;
     VICTIM@1; ! UVI identification
     NEG_CLIM by unsafe* disrupt gangs rac_fght;
     [VICTIM-NEG_CLIM@0]; !factor means set to zero
     MODEL freelnch_1:
     VICTIM by stolen* t_hurt p_fight hit damaged bullied;
     [stolen t_hurt p_fight hit damaged bullied]; !free intercepts
     NEG_CLIM by unsafe* disrupt gangs rac_fght;
     [unsafe disrupt gangs rac_fght]; !free intercepts
     [VICTIM-NEG_CLIM@0]; ",
  PLOT = "type = plot3;",
  OUTPUT = "sampstat standardized residual modindices (3.84);",
  usevariables = colnames(invar_data), 
  rdata = invar_data)

cfa_m3_fit <- mplusModeler(cfa_m3, 
                            dataout=here("invar_mplus", "lab9_invar_data.dat"),
                            modelout=here("invar_mplus", "M3_configural.inp"),
                            check=TRUE, run = TRUE, hashfilename = FALSE)

4.2 Metric invariance

  • item loadings (set to equal)
  • free intercepts and residuals
  • factor means fixed to zero
  • free factor variances in group 2

Number of parameters = 54

  • 10 item loadings (set to equal)
  • 20 intercepts
  • 20 residual variances
  • 02 factor variances
  • 02 factor co-variances

cfa_m4  <- mplusObject(
  TITLE = "CFA model4 - metric invariance", 
    "usevar = stolen-rac_fght;
     grouping = freelnch (0=freelnch_0 1=freelnch_1); ", 
    "estimator = mlr;",
  MODEL = 
    "VICTIM by stolen* t_hurt p_fight hit damaged bullied;
     VICTIM@1; ! UVI identification
     NEG_CLIM by unsafe* disrupt gangs rac_fght;
     MODEL freelnch_1:
     VICTIM; ! free factor variances for group 2
     [stolen t_hurt p_fight hit damaged bullied]; 
     [unsafe disrupt gangs rac_fght]; 
     [VICTIM-NEG_CLIM@0]; ",
  PLOT = "type = plot3;",
  OUTPUT = "sampstat standardized residual modindices (3.84);",
  usevariables = colnames(invar_data), 
  rdata = invar_data)

cfa_m4_fit <- mplusModeler(cfa_m4, 
                            dataout=here("invar_mplus", "lab9_invar_data.dat"),
                            modelout=here("invar_mplus", "M4_metric.inp"),
                            check=TRUE, run = TRUE, hashfilename = FALSE)

4.3 Scalar invariance

  • item loadings (set to equal)
  • intercepts (set to equal)
  • free residuals
  • free factor variances and means in group 2

Number of parameters = 46

  • 10 item loadings (set to equal)
  • 10 intercepts (set to equal)
  • 20 residual variances
  • 02 factor variances
  • 02 factor co-variances
  • 02 factor means

cfa_m5  <- mplusObject(
  TITLE = "model5 - scalar invariance", 
    "usevar = stolen-rac_fght;
     grouping = freelnch (0=freelnch_0 1=freelnch_1); ", 
    "estimator = mlr;",
  MODEL = 
    "VICTIM by stolen* t_hurt p_fight hit damaged bullied;
     NEG_CLIM by unsafe* disrupt gangs rac_fght;
     MODEL freelnch_1:
     VICTIM; ! free factor variances for group 2
     [VICTIM-NEG_CLIM]; ! free factor means", 
  PLOT = "type = plot3;",
  OUTPUT = "sampstat standardized residual modindices (3.84);",
  usevariables = colnames(invar_data), 
  rdata = invar_data)

cfa_m5_fit <- mplusModeler(cfa_m5, 
                            dataout=here("invar_mplus", "lab9_invar_data.dat"),
                            modelout=here("invar_mplus", "M5_scalar.inp"),
                            check=TRUE, run = TRUE, hashfilename = FALSE)

4.4 Strict invariance

  • item loadings (set to equal)
  • intercepts (set to equal)
  • residuals (set to equal)
  • free factor variances and means in group 2

Number of parameters = 36

  • 10 item loadings (set to equal)
  • 10 intercepts (set to equal)
  • 10 residual variances
  • 02 factor variances
  • 02 factor co-variances
  • 02 factor means

cfa_m6  <- mplusObject(
  TITLE = "model6 - strict invariance", 
    "usevar = stolen-rac_fght;
     grouping = freelnch (0=freelnch_0 1=freelnch_1); ", 
    "estimator = mlr;",
  MODEL = 
    "VICTIM by stolen* t_hurt p_fight hit damaged bullied;
     NEG_CLIM by unsafe* disrupt gangs rac_fght;
     stolen-rac_fght(1-10); ! set residuals to be equal across groups
     MODEL freelnch_1:
     VICTIM; ! free factor variances for group 2
     [VICTIM-NEG_CLIM]; ! free factor means
     stolen-rac_fght(1-10); ", 
  PLOT = "type = plot3;",
  OUTPUT = "sampstat standardized residual modindices (3.84);",
  usevariables = colnames(invar_data), 
  rdata = invar_data)

cfa_m6_fit <- mplusModeler(cfa_m6, 
                            dataout=here("invar_mplus", "lab9_invar_data.dat"),
                            modelout=here("invar_mplus", "M6_strict.inp"),
                            check=TRUE, run = TRUE, hashfilename = FALSE)

4.5 Structural invariance A (fixed factor variances)

Demonstration of structural invariance using the Scalar model

  • item loadings (set to equal)
  • intercepts (set to equal)
  • free residuals (Scalar)
  • factor means free in group 2
  • factor variances (set to 1)
  • free factor covariances

Number of parameters = 44

  • 10 item loadings (set to equal)
  • 10 intercepts (set to equal)
  • 20 residual variances
  • 00 factor variances
  • 02 factor co-variances
  • 02 factor means

# fixed factor variances
cfa_m7  <- mplusObject(
  TITLE = "model7 - structural invariance A" , 
    "usevar = stolen-rac_fght;
     grouping = freelnch (0=freelnch_0 1=freelnch_1); ", 
    "estimator = mlr;",
  MODEL = 
    "VICTIM by stolen* t_hurt p_fight hit damaged bullied;
     NEG_CLIM by unsafe* disrupt gangs rac_fght;
     MODEL freelnch_1:
     [VICTIM-NEG_CLIM]; ! free factor means
     VICTIM@1; NEG_CLIM@1; ! fix factor variance to 1", 
  PLOT = "type = plot3;",
  OUTPUT = "sampstat standardized residual modindices (3.84);",
  usevariables = colnames(invar_data), 
  rdata = invar_data)

cfa_m7_fit <- mplusModeler(cfa_m7, 
                            dataout=here("invar_mplus", "lab9_invar_data.dat"),
                            modelout=here("invar_mplus", "M7_structuralA.inp"),
                            check=TRUE, run = TRUE, hashfilename = FALSE)

4.6 Structural invariance B (fixed factor variances and equal covariances)

Demonstration of structural invariance using the Scalar model

  • item loadings (set to equal)
  • intercepts (set to equal)
  • free residuals (Scalar)
  • factor means free in group 2
  • factor variances (set to equal)
  • factor covariances (set to equal)

Number of parameters = 43

  • 10 item loadings (set to equal)
  • 10 intercepts (set to equal)
  • 20 residual variances
  • 00 factor variances
  • 01 factor co-variances
  • 02 factor means

# equal factor variances and covariances
cfa_m8  <- mplusObject(
  TITLE = "model8 - structural invariance B" , 
    "usevar = stolen-rac_fght;
     grouping = freelnch (0=freelnch_0 1=freelnch_1); ", 
    "estimator = mlr;",
  MODEL = 
    "VICTIM by stolen* t_hurt p_fight hit damaged bullied;
     NEG_CLIM by unsafe* disrupt gangs rac_fght;
     VICTIM with NEG_CLIM (11) ! set covariances to equal;
     MODEL freelnch_1:
     [VICTIM-NEG_CLIM]; ! free factor means
     VICTIM@1; NEG_CLIM@1; ! fix factor variance to 1
     VICTIM with NEG_CLIM (11); ! set covariances to equal", 
  PLOT = "type = plot3;",
  OUTPUT = "sampstat standardized residual modindices (3.84);",
  usevariables = colnames(invar_data), 
  rdata = invar_data)

cfa_m8_fit <- mplusModeler(cfa_m8, 
                            dataout=here("invar_mplus", "lab9_invar_data.dat"),
                            modelout=here("invar_mplus", "M8_structuralB.inp"),
                            check=TRUE, run = TRUE, hashfilename = FALSE)

4.7 Latent Factor Means differences:

(model: Step_07_STRUCTURAL)

Mean differences: Students in sub-sample freelnch_1 have…

VICTIM     -0.026      0.091     -0.291      0.771  (not significant)
NEG_CLIM    0.632      0.104      6.104      0.000  (higher scores for "NEG_CLIM")

5 Comparing Fit Across Models

5.1 Guidlines: for loadings & fit indices

  • Simple structure: “0.4 - 0.3 - 0.2” rule Howard (2016) (primary loadings > 0.4 / cross-loadings < 0.3 / minimum difference = 0.2)
  • RMSEA: < .05 indicates “good” fit Brown (2015)
  • CFI: > .95 indicates “good” fit Brown (2015)
  • SRMR: < .08 indicates “good” fit Hu and Bentler (1999)
  • Invariance: Changes in CFI less than or equal to -0.01 are acceptable

Read into R summary of all models

all_models <- readModels(here("invar_mplus"))

Create table, extract fit statistics, sort by Filename

invar_summary <- LatexSummaryTable(all_models, 
                 keepCols=c("Filename", "Parameters","ChiSqM_Value", "CFI","TLI",
                            "SRMR", "RMSEA_Estimate", "RMSEA_90CI_LB", "RMSEA_90CI_UB"), 
                 sortBy = "Filename")

invar_summary %>% 
  kable(booktabs = T,
        col.names = c("Model",
                      "Lower CI",
                      "Upper CI")) %>% 
  kable_styling(latex_options = c("striped", "scale_down", linesep = ""), 
                full_width = F,
                position = "left")

5.2 Calculate Satora-Bentler scaled Chi-square difference test (use with MLR estimator)

\(\color{blue}{\text{See website:}}\)

  • SB0 = null model Chi-square value
  • SB1 = alternate model Chi-square value
  • c0 = null model scaling correction factor
  • c1 = alternate model scaling correction factor
  • d0 = null model degrees of freedom
  • d1 = alternate model degrees of freedom
  • df = Chi-square test degrees of freedom

compare configural to metric

SB0 <- all_models[["M4_metric.out"]][["summaries"]][["ChiSqM_Value"]]
SB1 <- all_models[["M3_configural.out"]][["summaries"]][["ChiSqM_Value"]]
c0  <- all_models[["M4_metric.out"]][["summaries"]][["ChiSqM_ScalingCorrection"]]
c1  <- all_models[["M3_configural.out"]][["summaries"]][["ChiSqM_ScalingCorrection"]]
d0  <- all_models[["M4_metric.out"]][["summaries"]][["ChiSqM_DF"]]
d1  <- all_models[["M3_configural.out"]][["summaries"]][["ChiSqM_DF"]]
df  <- abs(d0-d1)

# Satora-Bentler scaled Difference test equations
cd <- (((d0*c0)-(d1*c1))/(d0-d1))
t  <- (((SB0*c0)-(SB1*c1))/(cd))

# Chi-square and degrees of freedom

# Significance test
pchisq(t, df, lower.tail=FALSE)

compare metric to scalar

SB0 <- all_models[["M5_scalar.out"]][["summaries"]][["ChiSqM_Value"]]
SB1 <- all_models[["M4_metric.out"]][["summaries"]][["ChiSqM_Value"]]
c0  <- all_models[["M5_scalar.out"]][["summaries"]][["ChiSqM_ScalingCorrection"]]
c1  <- all_models[["M4_metric.out"]][["summaries"]][["ChiSqM_ScalingCorrection"]]
d0  <- all_models[["M5_scalar.out"]][["summaries"]][["ChiSqM_DF"]]
d1  <- all_models[["M4_metric.out"]][["summaries"]][["ChiSqM_DF"]]
df  <- abs(d0-d1)

# Satora-Bentler scaled Difference test equations
cd <- (((d0*c0)-(d1*c1))/(d0-d1))
t  <- (((SB0*c0)-(SB1*c1))/(cd))

# Chi-square and degrees of freedom

# Significance test
pchisq(t, df, lower.tail=FALSE)

5.3 Invariance short-cut

mx  <- mplusObject(
    "usevar = stolen-rac_fght;
     grouping = freelnch (0=freelnch_0 1=freelnch_1); ", 
  "Estimator = MLR;
     MODEL = 
    "VICTIM by stolen* t_hurt p_fight hit damaged bullied;
     NEG_CLIM by unsafe* disrupt gangs rac_fght;
     NEG_CLIM@1;" ,
  PLOT = "",
  OUTPUT = "sampstat residual;",
  usevariables = colnames(invar_data), 
  rdata = invar_data)

mx_fit <- mplusModeler(mx, 
                            dataout=here("invar_short", "Invar_short_cut.dat"),
                            modelout=here("invar_short", "Invar_short_cut.inp"),
                            check=TRUE, run = TRUE, hashfilename = FALSE)

5.4 Invariance Testing (Chi-square values - Chi-Square difference p-values are biased)

               Number of                   Degrees of
 Model        Parameters      Chi-Square    Freedom     P-Value

 Configural        62            149.315        68       0.0000
 Metric            54            163.312        76       0.0000
 Scalar            46            179.176        84       0.0000

                                           Degrees of
 Models Compared              Chi-Square    Freedom     P-Value

 Metric against Configural        14.759         8       0.0640
 Scalar against Configural        30.022        16       0.0179
 Scalar against Metric            15.444         8       0.0511

5.5 End of Lab 9

6 References

Hallquist, M. N., & Wiley, J. F. (2018). MplusAutomation: An R Package for Facilitating Large-Scale Latent Variable Analyses in Mplus. Structural equation modeling: a multidisciplinary journal, 25(4), 621-638.

Horst, A. (2020). Course & Workshop Materials. GitHub Repositories, https://

Lauff, E., & Ingels, S. J. (2014). Education Longitudinal Study of 2002 (ELS: 2002): A First Look at 2002 High School Sophomores 10 Years Later. First Look. NCES 2014-363. National Center for Education Statistics.

Muthén, L.K. and Muthén, B.O. (1998-2017). Mplus User’s Guide. Eighth Edition. Los Angeles, CA: Muthén & Muthén

R Core Team (2017). R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. URL

Wickham et al., (2019). Welcome to the tidyverse. Journal of Open Source Software, 4(43), 1686,