1 Lab 8 outline

  1. Prepare, wrangle, and explore data
  2. Run an unconditional CFA baseline model
  3. Specify a MIMIC model with a single binary covariate
  4. Specify a MIMIC model and probe for DIF
  5. Specify a MIMIC model with a DIF parameter
  6. Specify a MIMIC model with two binary covariates & an interaction
  7. Specify a MIMIC model with three continuous covariates
  8. Experiment with path diagram notation & formatting
  9. \(\color{red}{\text{We will keep close track of parameters and their status throughout lab}}\)

1.1 Getting started - following the routine:

  1. Create an R-Project
  2. Load & istall packages (we will test a NEW method today)

1.2 R-Project instructions:

  1. click “NEW PROJECT” (upper right corner of window)
  2. choose option “NEW DIRECTORY”
  3. choose location of project (\(\color{red}{\text{too many nested folders = bad for `MplusObject` function}}\))

Within R-studio under the files pane (bottom right):

  1. click “New Folder” and name folder “data”
  2. click “New Folder” and name folder “mimic_mplus”
  3. click “New Folder” and name folder “figures”

1.3 loading (and installing when needed) packages:

\(\color{red}{\text{We are testing an alternative method for this procedure today (simply run the code below)}}\)

if (!require(pacman)) { install.packages("pacman"); library(pacman) }

p_load(knitr, tidyverse, here, semPlot, DiagrammeR, MplusAutomation,
       rhdf5, texreg, stargazer, gtsummary, gt, kableExtra)

DATA SOURCE: This lab exercise utilizes the NCES public-use dataset: Education Longitudinal Study of 2002 (Lauff & Ingels, 2014) \(\color{blue}{\text{See website: nces.ed.gov}}\)

2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lab 8 - Begin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

2.1 read in data

lab_data <- read_csv(here("data", "els_sub5_data.csv"))

2.2 take a look at the EFA data (same indicators used for lab 4)

stargazer(as.data.frame(lab_data), type="text", digits=1)

2.3 alternative way to make summary tables using package {gtsummary}

table_data <- lab_data %>% 
  dplyr::select(byincome, mth_test, rd_test, freelnch, bystlang)
table2 <- tbl_summary(table_data,
                      by = bystlang,   # split table by group "bystlang" ()
                      missing = "no"   # don't list missing data separately
                      ) %>%
  add_n() %>%                          # add column with total number of non-missing observations
  add_p() %>%                          # test if there's difference between groups

Characteristic N 0, N = 1171 1, N = 6321 p-value2
byincome 749 8.00 (6.00, 10.00) 10.00 (8.00, 11.00) <0.001
mth_test 749 48 (41, 55) 52 (45, 58) <0.001
rd_test 749 46 (40, 52) 51 (44, 58) <0.001
freelnch 685 <0.001
1 23 (23%) 222 (38%)
2 9 (8.9%) 67 (11%)
3 14 (14%) 82 (14%)
4 9 (8.9%) 72 (12%)
5 15 (15%) 89 (15%)
6 18 (18%) 30 (5.1%)
7 13 (13%) 22 (3.8%)

1 Statistics presented: median (IQR); n (%)

2 Statistical tests performed: Wilcoxon rank-sum test; chi-square test of independence

2.4 prepare dataframe for analysis (select & reorder columns)

mimic_data <-  lab_data %>% 
  select(bystlang, freelnch, byincome,                    # covariates
         stolen, t_hurt, p_fight, hit, damaged, bullied,  # factor 1 (indicators)
         safe, disrupt, gangs, rac_fght,                  # factor 2 (indicators)
         late, skipped, mth_read, mth_test, rd_test) %>% 
    freelnch = case_when(    # Grade 10, percent free lunch - transform to binary
        freelnch <  5 ~ 0,   # < 50%
        freelnch >= 5 ~ 1))  # > 50%

3 Estimate the Unconditional Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) model

3.1 \(\color{red}{\text{Lab exercise: How many parameters are there in this model?}}\)

(\(\color{red}{\text{no cheating}}\) - i.e., jumping ahead)

Number of parameters for the Unconditional CFA model:

  • ?? item loadings
  • ?? intercepts
  • ?? residual variances
  • ?? factor variances
  • ?? factor co-variance

3.2 Make a simple CFA path diagram using package {DiagrammeR}

# starting simple...

grViz(" digraph CFA_basic {
 node [shape=box]
 Y1; Y2; Y3; Y4; Y5;
 node [shape=circle, width = 0.9]
 edge []
 F1->{Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5}

cfa_m0  <- mplusObject(
  TITLE = "CFA model0 - LAB 8 mimic models", 
    "usevar = stolen-rac_fght;", 
    "estimator = mlr;",
  MODEL = 
    "FACTOR_1 by stolen t_hurt p_fight hit damaged bullied;
     FACTOR_2 BY safe disrupt gangs rac_fght;" ,
  PLOT = "type = plot3;",
  OUTPUT = "sampstat standardized residual modindices (3.84);",
  usevariables = colnames(mimic_data), 
  rdata = mimic_data)

cfa_m0_fit <- mplusModeler(cfa_m0, 
                            dataout=here("mimic_mplus", "lab8_mimic_data.dat"),
                            modelout=here("mimic_mplus", "lab8_cfa_model0.inp"),
                            check=TRUE, run = TRUE, hashfilename = FALSE)
# Read in the model to R within the "mimic_mplus" folder
mimic_output1 <- readModels(here("Lab8_FA", "mimic_mplus", "lab8_cfa_model0.out"))
## Reading model:  /Users/agarber/github/project-site/Lab8_FA/mimic_mplus/lab8_cfa_model0.out
# Plot model:
         # intercepts=FALSE,
         # fixedStyle = c(1)

# ** comment out the arguments "intercepts" & "fixedStyle" to make all parameters explicit

3.3 \(\color{red}{\text{Lab exercise: Count model parameters from the path diagram }}\)

(i.e., count number of arrows)

4 MIMIC model 1 - single bivariate covariate

Number of parameters for the MIMIC model 1 = 33

grViz(" digraph mimic_path_diagram {

graph [overlap = true, fontsize = 10,   # this is the 'graph' statement
       fontname = Times,
       'Figure 1: MIMIC model with single covariate.']    

  node [shape = box]                   # this is the 'node' statement
  A; B; C; D; E; 
  node [shape = box,
        label = 'Covariate'] 
  node [shape = circle, fixedsize = true,
        width = 0.9, label = 'Factor 1'] 
  edge [color = black]                   # this is the 'edge' statement
  F->{A B C D E}


mimic_m1  <- mplusObject(
  TITLE = "MIMIC model1 - LAB 8", 
    "usevar = freelnch stolen-rac_fght;", 
    "estimator = mlr;",
  MODEL = 
    "FACTOR_1 by stolen t_hurt p_fight hit damaged bullied;
     FACTOR_2 by safe disrupt gangs rac_fght;
     FACTOR_1 on freelnch;
     FACTOR_2 on freelnch;" ,
  PLOT = "type = plot3;",
  OUTPUT = "sampstat standardized residual modindices (3.84);",
  usevariables = colnames(mimic_data), 
  rdata = mimic_data)

mimic_m1_fit <- mplusModeler(mimic_m1, 
                            dataout=here("mimic_mplus", "lab8_mimic_data.dat"),
                            modelout=here("mimic_mplus", "lab8_mimic_model1.inp"),
                            check=TRUE, run = TRUE, hashfilename = FALSE)

5 MIMIC model 2 - probe for covariate -> indicator DIFF

mimic_m2  <- mplusObject(
  TITLE = "MIMIC model2 - LAB 8", 
    "usevar = freelnch stolen-rac_fght;", 
    "estimator = mlr;",
  MODEL = 
    "FACTOR_1 by stolen t_hurt p_fight hit damaged bullied;
     FACTOR_2 by safe disrupt gangs rac_fght;
     FACTOR_1 on freelnch;
     FACTOR_2 on freelnch;
     stolen-rac_fght on freelnch@0; ! to check DIFF see modification indices ",
  PLOT = "type = plot3;",
  OUTPUT = "sampstat standardized residual modindices (.1);",
  usevariables = colnames(mimic_data), 
  rdata = mimic_data)

mimic_m2_fit <- mplusModeler(mimic_m2, 
                            dataout=here("mimic_mplus", "lab8_mimic_data.dat"),
                            modelout=here("mimic_mplus", "lab8_mimic_model2.inp"),
                            check=TRUE, run = TRUE, hashfilename = FALSE)
mimic_output2 <- readModels(here("mimic_mplus", "lab8_mimic_model2.out"))

# Plot model:
          #fixedStyle = c(1)

6 MIMIC model 3 - specify covariate -> indicator DIFF

Number of parameters for MIMIC model 3 = 34

grViz(" digraph mimic_mode_3 {

graph [overlap = true, fontsize = 12, fontname = Times]    

  node [shape = box]                    
  stolen; t_hurt; p_fight; hit; damaged; bullied; safe; disrupt; gangs; rac_fght;
  node [shape = box, label = 'Percent Free Lunch'] 
  node [shape = circle, fixedsize = true, width = 0.9, label = 'Factor 1'] 
  node [shape = circle, fixedsize = true, width = 0.9, label = 'Factor 2'] 
  edge [color = black]                   
  F1->{stolen t_hurt p_fight hit damaged bullied}
  F2->{safe disrupt gangs rac_fght}
  X->F1 X->F2 X->bullied

mimic_m3  <- mplusObject(
  TITLE = "MIMIC model3 - LAB 8", 
    "usevar = freelnch stolen-rac_fght;", 
    "estimator = mlr;",
  MODEL = 
    "FACTOR_1 by stolen t_hurt p_fight hit damaged bullied;
     FACTOR_2 by safe disrupt gangs rac_fght;
     FACTOR_1 FACTOR_2 on freelnch;
     bullied on freelnch; ",
  PLOT = "type = plot3;",
  OUTPUT = "sampstat standardized residual modindices (3.84);",
  usevariables = colnames(mimic_data), 
  rdata = mimic_data)

mimic_m1_fit <- mplusModeler(mimic_m3, 
                            dataout=here("mimic_mplus", "lab8_mimic_data.dat"),
                            modelout=here("mimic_mplus", "lab8_mimic_model3.inp"),
                            check=TRUE, run = TRUE, hashfilename = FALSE)

7 MIMIC model 4 - two covariates & an interaction term

mimic_m4  <- mplusObject(
  TITLE = "MIMIC model4 - LAB 8", 
    "usevar = freelnch stolen-rac_fght eng_2nd int;", 
    "estimator = mlr;",
  "if bystlang == 1 THEN eng_2nd=0;
   if bystlang == 0 THEN eng_2nd=1;
  int = eng_2nd*freelnch;",

  MODEL = 
    "FACTOR_1 by stolen t_hurt p_fight hit damaged bullied;
     FACTOR_2 by safe disrupt gangs rac_fght;
     FACTOR_1 FACTOR_2 on freelnch eng_2nd int; ",
  PLOT = "type = plot3;",
  OUTPUT = "sampstat standardized residual modindices (3.84);",
  usevariables = colnames(mimic_data), 
  rdata = mimic_data)

mimic_m4_fit <- mplusModeler(mimic_m4, 
                            dataout=here("mimic_mplus", "lab8_mimic_data.dat"),
                            modelout=here("mimic_mplus", "lab8_mimic_model4.inp"),
                            check=TRUE, run = TRUE, hashfilename = FALSE)

7.1 create a path diagram of MIMIC model 4

# Read in the model to R within the "cfa_mplus" folder
mimic_output4 <- readModels(here("mimic_mplus", "lab8_mimic_model4.out"))

# Plot model:
         fixedStyle = c(1))

8 MIMIC model 5 - three continuous covariates

mimic_m5  <- mplusObject(
  TITLE = "MIMIC model5 - LAB 8", 
    "usevar = byincome mth_test rd_test stolen-rac_fght;", 
    "estimator = mlr;",

  MODEL = 
    "FACTOR_1 by stolen t_hurt p_fight hit damaged bullied;
     FACTOR_2 by safe disrupt gangs rac_fght;
     FACTOR_1 FACTOR_2 on byincome mth_test rd_test; ",
  PLOT = "type = plot3;",
  OUTPUT = "sampstat standardized residual modindices (3.84);",
  usevariables = colnames(mimic_data), 
  rdata = mimic_data)

mimic_m5_fit <- mplusModeler(mimic_m5, 
                            dataout=here("mimic_mplus", "lab8_mimic_data.dat"),
                            modelout=here("mimic_mplus", "lab8_mimic_model5.inp"),
                            check=TRUE, run = TRUE, hashfilename = FALSE)

8.1 create a path diagram of MIMIC model 5

# Read in the model to R 
mimic_output5 <- readModels(here("mimic_mplus", "lab8_mimic_model5.out"))
# Plot model:
         fixedStyle = c(1)

# ** Lab exercise: comment out the "intercepts" & "fixedStyle" arguments and then count model parameters

8.2 practice some formatting with semPlot::semPaths()

         "stdyx",  # plot the standardized parameter estimates (see output section: STDYX)
         fixedStyle = c(1),
         color= list(lat = c("light blue"," light green")),
         sizeMan = 10, sizeInt = 10, sizeLat = 10,

8.3 read all models and create table

all_models <- readModels(here("mimic_mplus"))

table <- LatexSummaryTable(all_models,
                           "Filename", "Parameters","ChiSqM_Value",
                           "CFI", "TLI", "SRMR", "RMSEA_Estimate",
                           "RMSEA_90CI_LB", "RMSEA_90CI_UB"),
                      sortBy = "Filename")

table %>%
  kable(booktabs = T, linesep = "",
        col.names = c(
          "Model", "Par", "ChiSq",
          "CFI", "TLI", "SRMR", "RMSEA",
          "Lower CI", "Upper CI")) %>% 
  full_width = F, position = "left")

9 End of Lab 8

9.1 References

Hallquist, M. N., & Wiley, J. F. (2018). MplusAutomation: An R Package for Facilitating Large-Scale Latent Variable Analyses in Mplus. Structural equation modeling: a multidisciplinary journal, 25(4), 621-638.

Horst, A. (2020). Course & Workshop Materials. GitHub Repositories, https://https://allisonhorst.github.io/

Muthén, L.K. and Muthén, B.O. (1998-2017). Mplus User’s Guide. Eighth Edition. Los Angeles, CA: Muthén & Muthén

R Core Team (2017). R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. URL http://www.R-project.org/

Wickham et al., (2019). Welcome to the tidyverse. Journal of Open Source Software, 4(43), 1686, https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.01686