1 Lab preparation

1.1 \(\color{purple}{\text{Creating a version-controlled R-Project by downloading repository from Github}}\)

Download ropository here: \(\color{blue}{\text{https://github.com/garberadamc/SEM-Lab2}}\)

On the Github repository webpage:

  1. fork your own branch of the lab repository
  2. copy the repository web URL address from the clone or download menu

Within R-Studio:

  1. click “NEW PROJECT” (upper right corner of window)
  2. choose option Version Control
  3. choose option Git
  4. paste the repository web URL path coppied from the clone or download menu on Github page
  5. choose location of the R-Project (\(\color{red}{\text{too many nested folders will result in filepath error}}\))

Example of competing path models study from \(\color{blue}{\text{Nishina, Juvonen, Witkow (2005)}}\)

figure. Picture adapted from Nishina, Juvonen, Witkow (2005)

1.2 Data source:

This lab exercise utilizes the California Test Score Data Set 1998-1999 from the California Department of Education (Stock, James, and Watson, 2003) \(\color{blue}{\text{See documentation here}}\)

This dataset is available via the R-package {Ecdat} and can be directly loaded into the R environment.

Note: All models specified in the following exercise are for demonstation only and are not theoretically justified or valid. ______________________________________________

1.3 List of over 1000 datasets available in R packages

This list was compiled by Vincent Arel-Bundock and can be found here:


Install the “rhdf5” package to read gh5 files

if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))

Load packages


2 Begin lab 2 exercise

Read the dataframe into your R-environment from package {Ecdat}


ca_schools <- as.data.frame(Caschool)

Look at the data with glimpse


Subset variables to use in path model analyses with select

path_vars <- ca_schools %>% 
  select(str, expnstu, compstu, elpct, mealpct,
         readscr, mathscr, testscr)

3 Explore the data

K through 8th grade schools in California (\(N = 420\))

Take a look at focal variables, make a tribble table

var_table <- tribble(
   ~"Name",    ~"Labels",                                     
  "str"       , "student teacher ratio"                      ,
  "expnstu"   , "expenditure per student"                    ,
  "compstu"   , "computer per student"                       ,
  "elpct"     , "percent of English learners"                ,
 "mealpct"    , "percent qualifying for reduced-price lunch" ,
  "readscr"   , "average reading score"                      ,
  "mathscr"   , "average math score"                         ,
  "testscr"   , "average test score (read.scr+math.scr)/2"   )

var_table %>% 
  kable(booktabs = T, linesep = "") %>% 
  kable_styling(latex_options = c("striped"), 
                full_width = F,
                position = "left")
Name Labels
str student teacher ratio
expnstu expenditure per student
compstu computer per student
elpct percent of English learners
mealpct percent qualifying for reduced-price lunch
readscr average reading score
mathscr average math score
testscr average test score (read.scr+math.scr)/2

check some basic descriptives with the {gtsummary} package

table1 <- tbl_summary(path_vars,
                      statistic = list(all_continuous() ~ "{mean} ({sd})"),
                      missing = "no" ) %>%

Characteristic N = 4201
str 19.64 (1.89)
expnstu 5312 (634)
compstu 0.14 (0.06)
elpct 16 (18)
mealpct 45 (27)
readscr 655 (20)
mathscr 653 (19)
testscr 654 (19)

1 Statistics presented: mean (SD)

look at shape of variable distributions

melt(path_vars) %>%                  
  ggplot(., aes(x=value, label=variable)) +   
  geom_density(aes(fill = variable),
               alpha = .5, show.legend = FALSE) + 
  facet_wrap(~variable, scales = "free")  +

look at correlation matrix with {corrplot}

p_cor <- cor(path_vars, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")

         method = "color",
         type = "upper", 

4 Specifying path models using {MplusAutomation}

recall what the unrestricted variance-covariance matrix looks like

figure. Unrestricted variance covariance matrix picture from {openMX} video tutorial.

4.1 Estimate model 1

Indirect path model:

  1. covariate: ratio of computers to students (compstu)
  2. mediator: percent qualifying for reduced-price lunch (mealpct)
  3. outcome: average math score (mathscr)

Path diagram model 1

m1_path  <- mplusObject(
  TITLE = "m1 model indirect - Lab 1", 
   "usevar =
    compstu         ! covariate
    mealpct         ! mediator 
    mathscr;        ! outcome",            
    "estimator = MLR" ,
  MODEL = 
   "mathscr on compstu;         ! direct path (c')
    mathscr on mealpct;         ! b path
    mealpct on compstu;         ! a path
    Model indirect:
    mathscr ind compstu;" ,
  OUTPUT = "sampstat standardized modindices (ALL)",
  usevariables = colnames(path_vars),   
  rdata = path_vars)                    

m1_path_fit <- mplusModeler(m1_path,
                     dataout=here("mplus_files", "Lab2.dat"),       
                    modelout=here("mplus_files", "m1_path_Lab2.inp"),
                    check=TRUE, run = TRUE, hashfilename = FALSE)

View path diagram for model 1 with standardized estimates (using Diagrammer in Mplus)

4.2 Estimate model 2

change variable status (switch mediator and covariate variables)

Indirect path model:

  1. covariate: percent qualifying for reduced-price lunch (mealpct)
  2. mediator: ratio of computers to students (compstu)
  3. outcome: average math score (mathscr)

Path diagram model 2

m2_path  <- mplusObject(
  TITLE = "m1 model indirect - Lab 1", 
   "usevar =
    mealpct           ! covariate
    compstu           ! mediator 
    mathscr;          ! outcome",            
    "estimator = MLR" ,
  MODEL = 
   "mathscr on compstu;         ! direct path (c')
    mathscr on mealpct;         ! b path
    mealpct on compstu;         ! a path
    Model indirect:
    mathscr ind compstu;" ,
  OUTPUT = "sampstat standardized modindices (ALL)",
  usevariables = colnames(path_vars),   
  rdata = path_vars)                    

m2_path_fit <- mplusModeler(m2_path,
                     dataout=here("mplus_files", "Lab2.dat"),       
                    modelout=here("mplus_files", "m2_path_Lab2.inp"),
                    check=TRUE, run = TRUE, hashfilename = FALSE)

View path diagram for model 2 with standardized estimates (using the Diagrammer in Mplus)

4.3 Estimate model 3

Path model with interaction (moderation):

  1. covariate-moderator: percent qualifying for reduced-price lunch (mealpct)
  2. covariate-moderator: ratio of computers to students (compstu)
  3. outcome: average math score (mathscr)

Path diagram model 3

m3_path  <- mplusObject(
  TITLE = "m1 model indirect - Lab 1", 
   "usevar =
    compstu           ! covariate-moderator
    mealpct           ! covariate-moderator
    mathscr           ! outcome
    int_ab;           ! interaction term ", 
    "int_ab = compstu*mealpct;  ! create interaction term" ,
    "estimator = MLR" ,
  MODEL = 
   "mathscr on compstu mealpct int_ab; ",
  OUTPUT = "sampstat standardized modindices (ALL)",
  usevariables = colnames(path_vars),   
  rdata = path_vars)                    

m3_path_fit <- mplusModeler(m3_path,
                     dataout=here("mplus_files", "Lab2.dat"),       
                    modelout=here("mplus_files", "m3_path_Lab2.inp"),
                    check=TRUE, run = TRUE, hashfilename = FALSE)

View path diagram for model 3 with standardized estimates (using the Diagrammer in Mplus)

4.4 Estimate model 4

m4_path  <- mplusObject(
  TITLE = "m4 model indirect - Lab 1", 
   "usevar =
    str               ! covariate
    elpct             ! mediator
    mealpct           ! mediator
    mathscr           ! outcome", 
    "int_ab = compstu*mealpct;  ! create interaction term" ,
    "estimator = MLR" ,
  MODEL = 
   "mathscr on str;             ! direct path (c')
    mathscr on elpct mealpct;   ! b paths
    elpct mealpct on str;       ! a paths
    Model indirect:
    mathscr ind str;" ,
  OUTPUT = "sampstat standardized modindices (ALL)",
  usevariables = colnames(path_vars),   
  rdata = path_vars)                    

m4_path_fit <- mplusModeler(m4_path,
                     dataout=here("mplus_files", "Lab2.dat"),       
                    modelout=here("mplus_files", "m4_path_Lab2.inp"),
                    check=TRUE, run = TRUE, hashfilename = FALSE)

View path diagram for model 4 with standardized estimates (using the Diagrammer in Mplus)

4.5 Estimate model 5

add modification statement - correlate mediators mealpct with elpct

m5_path  <- mplusObject(
  TITLE = "m5 model indirect - Lab 1", 
   "usevar =
    str               ! covariate
    elpct             ! mediator
    mealpct           ! mediator
    mathscr           ! outcome", 
    "int_ab = compstu*mealpct;  ! create interaction term" ,
    "estimator = MLR" ,
  MODEL = 
   "mathscr on str;             ! direct path (c')
    mathscr on elpct mealpct;   ! b paths
    elpct mealpct on str;       ! a paths
    mealpct with elpct          ! modification statement 
    Model indirect:
    mathscr ind str; " ,
  OUTPUT = "sampstat standardized modindices (ALL)",
  usevariables = colnames(path_vars),   
  rdata = path_vars)                    

m5_path_fit <- mplusModeler(m5_path,
                     dataout=here("mplus_files", "Lab2.dat"),       
                    modelout=here("mplus_files", "m5_path_Lab2.inp"),
                    check=TRUE, run = TRUE, hashfilename = FALSE)

View path diagram for model 5 with standardized estimates (using the Diagrammer in Mplus)

5 Compare model fit

Read into R summary of all models

all_models <- readModels(here("mplus_files"))

Extract fit indice data from output files

summary_fit <- LatexSummaryTable(all_models, 
                 keepCols=c("Filename", "Parameters","ChiSqM_Value", "CFI","TLI",
                            "SRMR", "RMSEA_Estimate", "RMSEA_90CI_LB", "RMSEA_90CI_UB"), 
                 sortBy = "Filename")

Create a customizable table using the {gt} package

model_table <- summary_fit %>% 
  gt() %>% 
    title = "Fit Indices",  # Add a title
    subtitle = ""           # And a subtitle
  ) %>%
    table.width = pct(80)
  ) %>%
    footnote = "California Test Score Data Set 1998-1999",
    location = cells_title()
  ) %>%
    Filename = "Model",
    Parameters =  "Par",
    ChiSqM_Value = "ChiSq",
    RMSEA_Estimate = "RMSEA",
    RMSEA_90CI_LB = "Lower CI",
    RMSEA_90CI_UB = "Upper CI")

6 End of Lab 2

7 References

Hallquist, M. N., & Wiley, J. F. (2018). MplusAutomation: An R Package for Facilitating Large-Scale Latent Variable Analyses in Mplus. Structural equation modeling: a multidisciplinary journal, 25(4), 621-638.

Horst, A. (2020). Course & Workshop Materials. GitHub Repositories, https://https://allisonhorst.github.io/

Ingels, S. J., Pratt, D. J., Herget, D. R., Burns, L. J., Dever, J. A., Ottem, R., … & Leinwand, S. (2011). High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS: 09): Base-Year Data File Documentation. NCES 2011-328. National Center for Education Statistics.

Muthén, L.K. and Muthén, B.O. (1998-2017). Mplus User’s Guide. Eighth Edition. Los Angeles, CA: Muthén & Muthén

R Core Team (2017). R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. URL http://www.R-project.org/

Wickham et al., (2019). Welcome to the tidyverse. Journal of Open Source Software, 4(43), 1686, https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.01686