DATA SOURCE: This lab exercise utilizes the NCES public-use dataset: Education Longitudinal Study of 2002 (Lauff & Ingels, 2014) \(\color{blue}{\text{See website:}}\)

\(\color{purple}{\text{Tools for reproducibility:}}\)

Tool/Package Purpose/Utility Advantages
{MplusAutomation} package Current capabilities supporting full SEM modeling High flexibility
R Project Unbreakable file paths & neatness Reproducibility (kindness to your future self)
{tidyverse} package Intuitive/descriptive function names Accessibility to new users
{here} package Unbreakable/consistent file paths across OS Reproducibility (for Science’s sake!)
{haven} package View-able metadata in R from SPSS data-files Getting to know your measures
{ggplot2} package Clear, customizable, reproducible figures Publication quality data visualizations
pipe operator (%>%) notation Ease of reading/writing scripts e.g., first() %>% and_then() %>% and_finally()

\(\color{purple}{\text{Creating a version-controlled R-Project by downloading repository from Github}}\)

Download ropository here: \(\color{blue}{\text{}}\)

Create a class folder (to save labs and assignments)

  1. click “NEW PROJECT” (upper right corner of window)
  2. choose option Version Control
  3. choose option Git
  4. paste the repository web URL path coppied from the clone or download button on the repo page
  5. choose location of the R-Project (\(\color{red}{\text{too many nested folders will result in filepath error}}\))

Create sub-folders within the project folder. In R-studio under the files pane …

  1. click “New Folder” and name folder “data”
  2. click “New Folder” and name folder “mplus_files”
  3. click “New Folder” and name folder “figures”

Install the “rhdf5” package to read gh5 files

if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))

\(\color{purple}{\text{Load packages}}\)


Keyboard shortcuts

\(\color{purple}{\text{Read in SPSS data}}\)

spss_data <- read_spss(here("data", "els_sub1_spss.sav")) %>% 
  janitor::clean_names() # makes all variable names lowercase

\(\color{purple}{\text{Preparations: subset, rename, and reorder columns}}\)

  1. subset: select columns in 3 ways, remove columns with (-), select by index number, and select by column name
  2. rename: change variable names to be descriptive and within the Mplus 8 character limit
  3. reorder: this makes it easy to choose sequential variables for {MplusAutomation}
spss_sub0 <- spss_data %>% 
  select(-stu_id,   -sch_id,   -byrace,     
         -byparace, -byparlng, -byfcomp,   
         -bypared,  -bymothed, -byfathed,
         -bysctrl,  -byurban,  -byregion)

\(\color{purple}{\text{Select the first 9 columns (by index) and select the next 17 columns (by name)}}\)

spss_sub1 <- spss_sub0 %>% 
         bys20a, bys20h, bys20j, bys20k, bys20m, bys20n,
         bys21b, bys21d, bys22a, bys22b, bys22c, bys22d,
         bys22e, bys22g, bys22h, bys24a, bys24b) %>% 
  rename("stu_exp" = "bystexp",   # "NEW_NAME" = "OLD_NAME"
         "par_asp" = "byparasp",
         "mth_read" = "bytxcstd",
         "mth_test" = "bytxmstd",
         "rd_test" = "bytxrstd",
         "freelnch" = "by10flp",
         "stu_tch" = "bys20a",
         "putdownt" = "bys20h",
         "unsafe" = "bys20j",
         "disrupt" = "bys20k",
         "gangs" = "bys20m",
         "rac_fght" = "bys20n",
         "fair" = "bys21b",
         "strict" = "bys21d",
         "stolen" = "bys22a",
         "drugs" = "bys22b",
         "t_hurt" = "bys22c",
         "p_fight" = "bys22d",
         "hit" = "bys22e",
         "damaged" = "bys22g",
         "bullied" = "bys22h",
         "late" = "bys24a",
         "skipped" = "bys24b")

\(\color{purple}{\text{More housekeeping: reorder columns }}\)

spss_sub2 <-  spss_sub1 %>% 
    bystlang,                                        # dichotomous (yes,no)
    freelnch, byincome,                              # ordinal (binned, continuous scale)
    stolen, t_hurt, p_fight, hit, damaged, bullied,  # ordinal frequency (3-point)
    unsafe, disrupt, gangs, rac_fght,                # ordinal Likert (4-point scale)
    late, skipped,                                   # ordinal frequency (4-point scale)
    mth_test, rd_test)                               # continuous (standardized test scores)

\(\color{purple}{\text{Make a codebook including metadata using {`sjPlot`}}}\)


\(\color{purple}{\text{Types of data for different tasks}}\)

NOTE: Mplus also accepts TXT formatted data (e.g., mplus_data.txt)

\(\color{purple}{\text{Converting data between 3 formats: writing and reading data}}\)

Write a CSV datafile (preferable format for reading into R, with SPSS labels removed)

write_csv(spss_sub2, here("data", "els_sub6_data.csv"))

Write a SPSS datafile (preferable format for reading into SPSS, labels are preserved)

write_sav(spss_sub2, here("data", "els_sub6_data.sav"))

Read the unlabeled data back into R

tidy_data <- read_csv(here("data", "els_sub6_data.csv"))

Write a DAT datafile for Mplus (this function removes header row & converts missing values to non-string)

prepareMplusData(tidy_data, here("data", "els_sub6_data.dat"))

\(\color{purple}{\text{Make a `tribble` table}}\)

var_table <- tribble(
   ~"Name",    ~"Labels",                                      ~"Value Labels (limit)",  
  "bystlang" , "Whether English is students native language" ,"0=No, 1=Yes", 
  "freelnch" , "Grade 10 percent free lunch-categorical"     ,"0=0-5%, 7=76-100%", 
  "byincome" , "Total family income from all sources 2001"   ,"1=None, 13=$200,001 or more", 
  "stolen"   , "Had something stolen at school"              ,"1=Never, 3=More than twice", 
  "t_hurt"   , "Someone threatened to hurt 10th grader at school","1=Never, 3=More than twice", 
  "p_fight"  , "Got into a physical fight at school"         ,"1=Never, 3=More than twice"  ,
  "hit"      , "Someone hit 10th grader"                     ,"1=Never, 3=More than twice"  , 
  "damaged"  , "Someone damaged belongings"                  ,"1=Never, 3=More than twice"  , 
  "bullied"  , "Someone bullied or picked on 10th grader"    ,"1=Never, 3=More than twice"  , 
  "unsafe"   , "Does not feel safe at this school"           ,"1=Strongly agree, 4=Strongly disagree"  , 
  "disrupt"  , "Disruptions get in way of learning"          ,"1=Strongly agree, 4=Strongly disagree"  , 
  "gangs"    , "There are gangs in school"                   ,"1=Strongly agree, 4=Strongly disagree"  , 
  "rac_fght" , "Racial-ethnic groups often fight"            ,"1=Strongly agree, 4=Strongly disagree"  ,
  "late"     , "How many times late for school"              ,"1=Never, 4=10 or more times"  , 
  "skipped"  , "How many times cut-skip classes"             ,"1=Never, 4=10 or more times"  ,
  "mth_test" , "Math test standardized score"                ,"0-100"  , 
  "rd_test"  , "Reading test standardized score"             ,"0-100"  , 

var_table %>% 
  kable("latex", booktabs = T, linesep = "") %>% 
  kable_styling(latex_options = c("striped"), 
                full_width = F,
                position = "left")

\(\color{purple}{\text{Take a look at the data - some practice with {`ggplot2`}}}\)

Make a facetted box plot

# some formatting, add labels to `bystlang` for plot 
tidy_data <- tidy_data %>% 
    bystlang = factor(bystlang, 
    labels = c(`0` = "Non-English", `1` = "English")))

  ggplot(data=drop_na(tidy_data), aes(y=mth_test)) +
    geom_boxplot() +
    facet_wrap(~bystlang) +
    labs(x = "Native language",
         y = "Math test (standardized score)")

Make a density plot

  ggplot(data=drop_na(tidy_data), aes(x=mth_test)) +
    geom_density(aes(fill = bystlang),
                 color = NA,
                 show.legend = FALSE) +
    facet_wrap(~bystlang) +

Ridgeline plot {ggridges}

# A ridgeline plot is good way to compare distributions across groups.
# In the plot below the distribution of reading test scores is grouped
# by level of the freelunch variable. 

ridge_graph <- ggplot(data = drop_na(tidy_data),
                      aes(x = rd_test, y = factor(freelnch))) +
  geom_density_ridges(aes(fill = factor(freelnch)),
                      size = 0.2,
                      alpha = 0.7,
                      show.legend = FALSE) +
  scale_x_continuous(lim = c(0,100)) +
    scale_y_discrete(lim = levels(tidy_data$freelnch), 
                   labels = c("0-5%", "6-10%", "11-20%","21-30%",
                              "31-50%", "51-75%", "76-100%")) +
    labs(x = "Reading test (standardized score)",
         y = "Percent Free Lunch",
     title = "Grade 10 Reading Test Scores by Percent Free Lunch in School",
  subtitle = "Source: ElS 2002") +


\(\color{purple}{\text{Look at all bivariate relations}}\)

t_cor <- cor(tidy_data[,4:17], use = "pairwise.complete.obs")

         method = "color",
         type = "upper", 

\(\color{purple}{\text{Run some path models with {MplusAutomation}}}\)

Practice run, use type=basic to get descriptives

m_basic  <- mplusObject(
    " ! an mplusObject() will always need a 'usevar' statement 
      ! ONLY specify variables that will be used in analysis
      ! lines of code in MPLUS ALWAYS end with a semicolon ';'
    usevar =
    bystlang freelnch byincome stolen t_hurt p_fight
    hit damaged bullie, unsafe disrupt gangs rac_fght
    late skipped mth_test rd_test;",          
    "type = basic" ,
  MODEL = "" ,
  PLOT = "",
  OUTPUT = "",
  usevariables = colnames(tidy_data),   # tell MplusAutomation the column names to use
  rdata = tidy_data)                    # this is the data object used (must be un-label)

m_basic_fit <- mplusModeler(m_basic,
                    dataout=here("mplus_files", "Lab1.dat"),
                    modelout=here("mplus_files", "m0_basic_Lab1.inp"),
                    check=TRUE, run = TRUE, hashfilename = FALSE)

\(\color{purple}{\text{Run a path model with model indirect (to estimate the indirect effect) }}\)

Figure 1. Path Diagram of Multiple Indirect Paths Model

Visualize the path diagram using the {DiagrammeR} package

graph LR

Run model depicted above with multiple indirect paths

m1_ind  <- mplusObject(
  TITLE = "m1 model indirect - Lab 1", 
   "usevar =
    bystlang       ! covariate
    late skipped   ! mediators
    mth_test;      ! outcome   ",          
    "estimator = MLR" ,
  MODEL = 
   "late on bystlang ;
    skipped on late bystlang ;
    mth_test on late skipped bystlang;
    Model indirect:
    mth_test ind bystlang;
    mth_test via late skipped bystlang; " ,
  OUTPUT = "sampstat standardized",
  usevariables = colnames(tidy_data),   
  rdata = tidy_data)                    

m1_ind_fit <- mplusModeler(m1_ind,
                     dataout=here("mplus_files", "Lab1.dat"),       
                    modelout=here("mplus_files", "m1_indirect_Lab1.inp"),
                    check=TRUE, run = TRUE, hashfilename = FALSE)

Generate a path diagram from Mplus output with {semPlot}

order2_model <- readModels(here("mplus_files",

# plot model:

\(\color{purple}{\text{Single indicator factors}}\)

Model specifications:

Using reliability you fix the residual variance at:

\((1‐reliabilty) *variance\)

Lab example of single indicator factor model:

Figure 2. Path Diagram of Single Indicator Factor Model

create a mean score variable called mean_score

tidy_data2 <- tidy_data %>%
  mutate(mean_scr = rowSums(select(., late:skipped))/2)

Function to fix the residual variance

# r = reliability, v = variance

resid_var <- function(r,v) {  
 y <- ((1-r)*v)

y01 <- resid_var(.8,.77)

## [1] 0.154

Run model with single indicator factor

m2_sif  <- mplusObject(
  TITLE = "m2 single indicator factor - Lab 1", 
   "usevar =
    unsafe disrupt gangs rac_fght  ! factor 1
    mth_test                       ! outcome
    mean_scr;                      ! mediator ",                  
    "estimator = MLR" ,
  MODEL = 
   "! measurement model
    factor1 by unsafe, disrupt, gangs, rac_fght; 
    SIF by mean_scr@1; ! fix factor loading to 1

    mean_scr@.154;     ! fix residual variance
    ! structural model
    mth_test on factor1 SIF;
    SIF on factor1; ",
  OUTPUT = "sampstat standardized",
  usevariables = colnames(tidy_data2),   
  rdata = tidy_data2)                    

m2_sif_fit <- mplusModeler(m2_sif,
                     dataout=here("mplus_files", "Lab1.dat"),       
                    modelout=here("mplus_files", "m2_sif_Lab1.inp"),
                    check=TRUE, run = TRUE, hashfilename = FALSE)

Generate a path diagram from Mplus output with {semPlot}

order2_model <- readModels(here("mplus_files",

# plot model:


Hallquist, M. N., & Wiley, J. F. (2018). MplusAutomation: An R Package for Facilitating Large-Scale Latent Variable Analyses in Mplus. Structural equation modeling: a multidisciplinary journal, 25(4), 621-638.

Horst, A. (2020). Course & Workshop Materials. GitHub Repositories, https://

Muthén, L.K. and Muthén, B.O. (1998-2017). Mplus User’s Guide. Eighth Edition. Los Angeles, CA: Muthén & Muthén

R Core Team (2017). R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. URL

Wickham et al., (2019). Welcome to the tidyverse. Journal of Open Source Software, 4(43), 1686,